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Основные характеристики аморфного резаного стержня

Основные характеристики аморфного резаного стержня

Magnetic core material is a kind of basic material for electronic industry, electromechanical industry and factory industry with wide application, large output and low cost. It is one of its important pillar products. Its application directly affects electronic information, home appliance industry, computer and communication , The development of environmental protection and energy-saving technology is also one of the indicators of a country’s economic development process. Because the magnetic core does not use rare materials such as nickel, high magnetic permeability can be obtained, and the powder metallurgy method is suitable for mass production, so the cost is low, and because the sintered product has high hardness and is not sensitive to stress, it is very convenient in application. And the soft ferrite has its unique characteristics: low saturation magnetic flux density, low permeability, low Curie temperature, low mid- and high-frequency loss, and low cost.
аморфный разрезанный сердечник

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